
Spirulina Has Powerful Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties

Oxidative damage can harm our DNA and cells.This damage can drive chronic in fammation,which contributes to cancer and other diseases,Spirulina is a fantastic source of antioidants,which can protect agains toxidative damage.The main active component is caled phycocyanin. This antioxidant substance also gives spirulina its unique biue-green color.Phycocyanin can fight tree radicals and inhibit production of infammatory signaling molecules,providing impressive antioidant and ant-nftammatory eflects.Botom Line: Phocyanin is the main active compound in spirulina.thas powerful antioidant and ant-infammatory properties. 2,which hasnot been shown to be effective in humans

Heart disease is cumentty the world’s biggest kilor.It is known that many measurable factors,termed risk factors,are linked to an increased risk ofheart disease.As it tums out,spiruina has been shown to have beneficial effects on many of therm.For example,it can lbwer total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and trighycerides,while raising HDL(the”good) cholesterol.In a study of 25 people with type 2 diabetes, 2 grams per day of spirulina significantly improved these markers.Another study in people with high cholesterol found that 1 gram of spirulina per day lowered triglycerides by 16. 3% and LDL by 10. 1%.Several other studies have shown favorable effects,but with higher doses of 4. 5-8 grams ofspiruina per dayBottom Line: Studies have shown that spirulina can lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol,andsometimes may raise HDL (the”good) cholesterol